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Sefer Torah Project

On Shavuos of 5777/2017 we revealed our exciting plans to commission the writing of our very own Sefer Torah – the first that the Shul can truly call its own! Our aim is to welcome the new Sefer Torah in a Gala Hachnasas Sefer Torah shortly after the Yomim Noraim of 5778/2017 הבעל"ט.

Participating in the writing of a Sefer Torah is a colossal Mitzvah in its own right. Additionally, in joining together to write a Sefer Torah not only do we unite the Jewish people, but we also express our fervent desire to be connected to the Creator.

We invite you to join us in this tremendous Mitzvah as we express our unity with Klal Yisroel and our unity with Hashem - in the creation of a beautiful Sefer Torah which will serve the Jewish people for generations to come.

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Children's Letters:

Tue, January 14 2025 14 Teves 5785